属类:文学表达-外国名著-The Captain’s Daughter
1 | 她在尽其所能地与她的上司搞好关系。 | She is trying her best to keep on the right side of her boss | |
2 | 经验被贬值,继续学习的能力被重视。 | One’s past experience is devalued while the ability to keep on learning is treasured. | |
3 | 临时性的行政许可实施满一年需要继续实施的,应当提请本级人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定地方性法规。 | If it is necessary to keep on implementing the administrative license after a year, the people’s congress and its standing committee of the same level shall be proposed to formulate a local regulation | |
4 | 另外,忍耐也会带给我们成功。当你在工作中遭遇到困难的时候,灰心是无用的。你必须继续作战直到取得最后胜利为止。 | In addition, patience will also bring us success. When you meet with difficulties in your work, it is no use losing heart. You must keep on fighting until (till)the final victory belongs to you. | |
5 | 美国政府给予公司采矿的权力,将国家森林向伐木业开放,实际上都是免费的,而这些大公司又花数百万美元搞公关,来确保立法的政治家们继续这种政策。 | The government gives away mining rights and opens public forests to loggers practically for free--and big business spends millions of dollars to make sure politicians keep on doing so | |
6 | 那个男孩为什么夜里11点钟后还在唱歌? | Why does that boy keep on singing after eleven o’clock at night? | |
7 | 那个年轻的挑战者与那位冠军不属一个等级,但令人惊奇的是他怎么能在三个回合中都未被击倒。 | The young challenger was not in the same class as the champion, and the wonder was how he managed to keep on his feet for three rounds | |
8 | 你的人际关系在恶化吗?当你早晨离家的时候,你是否已经觉得有压力?你不再有时间享受生活了吗 | Do your relationship keep on failing? When you leave your home in the morning are you already feeling stressed? Is there no time in your life for fun any more? | |
9 | 你很容易说电视看太多了,但是你仍然继续看。 | It’s easy to say that you watch too much TV, but you still keep on doing it. | |
10 | 你为何老是穿着这件旧衣服? | Why do you keep on the old clothes? | |
11 | 你要继续进行锻炼直到变瘦为止吗? | Will you keep on the course of exercises until you are thinner? | |
12 | 你要是老这样花钱,总有一天要负债。 | You will end up in debt if you keep on spending money like that. | |
13 | 你知道,你不可能无休止地给他们送钱。 | You can’t keep on giving them money forever, you know? | |
14 | 年终联欢会一直这样喝,这条命就保不到新年宴会了 | If I keep on drinking like this at this year-end parties, I am going to die before the big New Year ’s party. | |
15 | 片名是:“西雅图夜未眠。”这是一部关于爱情的感人影片。它使我想到,不晓得什么时候我才会谈恋爱?电影的情节如此地浪漫,可是,谁将与我谈恋爱呢?唉,除非我真的恋爱了,不然我只能继续梦想。 | The title of the movie was: “Sleepless Seattle”. It was a touching and moving film about love. That reminds me, when will I ever fall in love? The scenes looked so romantic but who’d ever fall in love with me? Well, until I do, I’ll just keep on dreaming. | |
16 | 起初我会很快喘不过气,但现在就可以一直游下去。 | At first, I used to run out of breath quickly, but now I can just keep on swimming. | |
17 | 汽车很多,所以一定要走在人行道上。 | There are a lot of cars,so keep on the path. | |
18 | 然而,道格和他的队员想很快再开始登山。“我们希望明年夏天再登第二高峰K2。我们会坚持不懈直到成功地征服它。” | However, Doug and his team want to start climbing again soon. “We hope to climb K2 again next summer. We’ll keep on trying until we make it.” | |
19 | 人类必然会不断地克服艰难险阻,向着美好的未来开拓前进。 | Mankind will undoubtedly keep on overcoming difficulties and obstacles, Blaze new trails and steadily move forward to a better future. | |
20 | 如果你继续和我纠 缠, 我决不付钱。 | If you keep on dun ning, I’ll never pay. | |
21 | 如果你继续那样工作的话,很快就会垮下来。 | You’ll soon go to pieces if you keep on working like that. | |
22 | 如果你继续努力,成功便指日可待。 | If you keep on working hard, your success is in the not too distant future. | |
23 | 如果他们继续作恶,必将自食其果。 | If they keep on doing evils, they’ll reap what they sow. | |
24 | 上尉命令他的部下加强戒备,准备好大炮。 | The captain ordered his men to keep on the alert and to ready the cannon. | |
25 | 使您在享用统泰产品的同时获得口味和心理上的双重享受,我们将不断努力开发新产品,以满足消费者的需要,为您的生活增添情趣。 | We will keep on inventing new products that address to your needs and bringing more pleasure to your life. | |
26 | 使用萘丁酸治疗二周后,尿检正常。建议继续应呋喃旦啶3个月。 | She received nalidixic acid treatment for two weeks, then the urine was normal. She was advised to keep on nitrofuradantin treatment for three months. | |
27 | 是的,英语是相当难的,但是如果你坚持学下去,就会很好地掌握它。 | Yes, English is quite difficult; but if you keep on with it, you will get a good grasp of it | |
28 | 所以您必须借助长途和短程运输货车来完成任务,即使是在最恶劣的条件下也不能例外。 | That is why you must be able to rely on both your long distance and local transport trucks and coaches to keep on going even under the most severe circumstances. | |
29 | 他待人一团和气。 | The way he acted towards people was to keep on good terms with them at the expense of principle. | |
30 | 他很愿意看看它,把它一直看下去;他好像是无论看多久也不过瘾似的,可是他却避开了它,不敢碰它一下,就像这神圣不可侵犯,可怜的凡人连摸也不能摸一摸似的。 | He wanted to look at it, and keep on looking at it; he couldn’t seem to get enough of it to quench the thirst of his eye, but he shrank from touching it as if it had been something too sacred for poor common clay to handle |